Selecting Environmentally Conscious Burial Options in CA
- Posted on: Oct 19 2022
Many people are concerned about the impact that their own actions are having on our environment and are looking for ways to be more environmentally conscious. For some people this even includes what to do with their body when they pass away.
Burial solutions that are gaining a lot of traction are green burials, commonly known as natural burials. Green burials ensure that the body is not buried with anything that isn’t biodegradable. Whereas traditional burials include using chemicals to preserve the body and a casket to place it in, a green burial does not. Rather, it uses products that will decompose and go back into the soil.
Options for Green Burials
There are various options for green burials. Some of these include:
- Turning the remains into fertilizer and using it in a memorial garden;
- Putting the body into a biodegradable urn and planting a tree or flowers on top of it;
- Using an urn or a casket made of materials that will decompose; and
- Covering the body in completely decomposable materials.
Do All Cemeteries Accept Green Burials?
No, not all cemeteries accept green burials due to what is required. The Green Burial Council (GBC) is responsible for establishing the standards for what is considered a green burial. A cemetery must meet these standards in order for it to be considered as “green.” Green burial standards require that all products used be made of natural, animal, or plant-based materials. What many people don’t realize is that it’s not only what the body is wrapped in or the casket or urn that it’s in that must fit these criteria, but also anything at all that goes with them, such as any decorations or casket liner.
The best way to ensure that a cemetery can perform a green burial is by choosing one that is considered a natural cemetery, which will only accept that type of burial.
How Can You Plan a Green Burial?
If you are interested in a more environmentally friendly burial or a green burial, or if you have specific end-of-life wishes, it’s best to establish and include them in an estate plan. This allows you to establish what it is that you want to happen to your body after you pass away. It also helps to prevent the stress and questions that would otherwise surround your loved ones.
The Law Offices of Brian L. Fox, APLC Help Those Who Are Looking to Establish or Update an Estate Plan
If you are looking to establish or update an estate plan, it’s in your best interest to consult with a qualified California estate-planning attorney who can help. By setting everything up the way that you want it, you can make your loved ones’ transition without you a little less painful.
At the Law Offices of Brian L. Fox, APLC, we can help you to establish an estate plan that meets all of your goals. To learn more or to schedule a free consultation, contact us today!
Posted in: Estate Planning