When you lose a loved one, it can be difficult knowing all of the things to take care of after their passing. There may be accounts to close, final bills to pay, and funeral arrangements to make. But one thing most people don’t think about is what to do with any prescription medication that they […]
You can’t always help who you fall in love with. And while most people end up with a partner who is 2-4 years older or younger, some people fall in love with those much older or younger than themselves. Every relationship is different and some relationships just work – age gap or not. A difference […]
When we think about estate planning, we often think of looking ahead to the end of our lives. However, estate planning is about more than just death; it’s about planning for the unexpected – especially unexpected health battles. An advance health care directive is a legal document that allows for someone else to make medical […]
Estate plans are important because they help you to not only plan for how you want your family to be taken care of (after you pass away), but also for how you want to be cared for or taken care of should you be unable to take care of yourself. In other words, an estate […]
Buying a home is one of the most exciting purchases you will likely ever make. Real property is often lauded for the fact that it commonly increases in value, or appreciates, over time. But what if you purchase a home and its value increases exponentially? Will you then be required to pay so much more […]
You likely have heard of something called the Build Back Better Act, but may not know what exactly it is. The Build Back Better Act is a plan proposed by the Biden Administration intended to help Americans deal with a variety of issues such as COVID-19 relief, healthcare, housing, clean energy, infrastructure, and taxation. So […]
The death of a loved one is never easy. When someone you love passes away, you may have no idea what to do next. The last thing on your mind is probably taking care of all of their personal matters. However, doing so is imperative. That’s why it’s important to know what steps you should […]
It can be very difficult to accept that your parents are aging. They may become slower and tasks that were once simple may become exceedingly difficult. Their mental health may also begin to deteriorate. If you can no longer provide your parents with the proper care that they need, you may be left wondering what […]
It can take a lot of hard work and time to finally accumulate a good amount of wealth. When you work that hard to get what you have, you may have fears about what will happen to your money when you pass it down. While many people have fears about passing down their wealth, here’s […]
When you become disabled or pass away, bills and other necessities don’t just stop. Whether it’s buying groceries for you or paying for your funeral, your loved ones likely need a way to access your funds. However, if all of your money is solely in your name for your bank account or your trust, your […]